Certificate of Proxy Sealing to Ross LeBaron, n.d.

Titled Certification of Marriage in the Holy Order of God – Patriarchal, this certificate was intended to serve as a record of marital sealings performed by proxy . It was supposed to list the name of the deceased woman being sealed to Ross LeBaron, the officiator and the person acting as proxy. It interestingly includesContinueContinue reading “Certificate of Proxy Sealing to Ross LeBaron, n.d.”

Baptismal and Ordination Certificates

These are two certificates of The Church of the First-Born. We haven’t been able to determine the date of these documents or for how long they were used by Ross Wesley LeBaron and his followers.

Edsil Allred: Patriarchal Blessing of Ross LeBaron, 1934

This patriarchal blessing received by Ross LeBaron at age 19 is the first of two recorded blessings he obtained from LDS stake patriarchs. A mimeograph copy of the blessing printed by Ross LeBaron was given to Mormon collector James Wardle and can be seen or downloaded here. Transcript Central, Arizona   February 9, 1934 Blessing, givenContinueContinue reading “Edsil Allred: Patriarchal Blessing of Ross LeBaron, 1934”

Articles of Faith of the Church of the Firstborn

ARTICLES OF FAITH of THE CHURCH OF THE FIRST-BORN 1. We believe in Michael, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and in Joseph Smith, the Witness or Testator. 2. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam`s transgression; for He partook of mortality, that He mightContinueContinue reading “Articles of Faith of the Church of the Firstborn”

Steve McKinley: Ross LeBaron On The Endowment

Steve McKinley recollects a conversation with Ross W. LeBaron about the endowment in 1995. The “ambiguous answer” given by Ross, according to Steve, made him “feel better about the changes [made by the LDS Church] in the endowment”. He says he realized that “the reason the endowment was taken away by the Lord was becauseContinueContinue reading “Steve McKinley: Ross LeBaron On The Endowment”

Ross LeBaron and Joseph Musser

REVELATION given to patriarch Ross W. LeBaron, at the home of H. Chase Kimball, in Salt Lake City, April 3rd, 1951. My father had recently passed away, and I was concerned over what course to follow in connection with the patriarchal work he had given me in the spring of 1950, and received the followingContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron and Joseph Musser”

Articles of Incorporation of The Holy Order of God

Articles of Incorporation Corporate Sole Of The Holy Order of God   Article I The name of the Order shall be —- The Holy Order of God. Article II The purpose of the Order shall be — to teach the laws and administer the ordinances of the everlasting Gospel; and bring as many as shallContinueContinue reading “Articles of Incorporation of The Holy Order of God”

Lyle O. Wright: Overview of Ross LeBaron’s Beliefs

The following is an excerpt is from Lyle O. Wright’s Master Thesis, submitted to Brigham Young University in 1963, based on his interviews with Ross W. LeBaron. Even though Wright’s research focused on the Church of the Firstborn of the Fullness of Times, led by Joel and Ervil LeBaron, it approached the different priesthood claims inContinueContinue reading “Lyle O. Wright: Overview of Ross LeBaron’s Beliefs”