The LeBaron Family and The Patriarchal Keys

“It is true that the LeBaron Brothers have committed a lot of crimes, but so did the sons of Jacob”, wrote Ross LeBaron a few years after the death of his brother Ervil [1]. In Ross LeBaron’s perspective, even in the worst actions taken by his brother, the LeBarons would fit the ancient Israelite narrativeContinueContinue reading “The LeBaron Family and The Patriarchal Keys”

Was Ross LeBaron a Mormon Fundamentalist?

“I have been associated with the Fundamentalists since 1936” – Ross Wesley LeBaron wrote to Fundamentalist leader Margarito Bautista in December 1958 – “but have stood a hundred percent on my own feet.”[1] Almost 27 years later, LeBaron would give a more detailed – and probably more honest – account of his early association withContinueContinue reading “Was Ross LeBaron a Mormon Fundamentalist?”

Ross LeBaron: Priesthood Expounded, 1985

Priesthood Expounded is the last tract published by Ross LeBaron during his lifetime. It contains, among other themes, his views on the different orders of the priesthood, his belief in the Adam-God doctrine and reincarnation, as well as an explanation of the coming of Elijah to the Nauvoo temple, an event LeBaron believed was essentialContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron: Priesthood Expounded, 1985”

Ross LeBaron: Open Letter to Francis M. Darter, 1968

Francis M. Darter (1881-1968) was a prolific Mormon Fundamentalist writer. Among the beliefs he espoused was Pyramidology, which proposed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a “Bible in stone”, setting dates, through its measures, for the most important events in human history. Such beliefs seem to have been influential on Ross W. LeBaron, as theContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron: Open Letter to Francis M. Darter, 1968”

Ross LeBaron: Interview to Dale Van Atta, 1977

In 1977, as the murderous acts of Ross LeBaron’s brother Ervil gained international attention, journalist Dale Van Atta did some research on the priesthood claims of the LeBaron family. Van Atta later co-authored a book on Ervil LeBaron and his crimes. The following file can be found among Van Atta’s research papers at the SpecialContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron: Interview to Dale Van Atta, 1977”

Ross LeBaron: Keys Given to Joel LeBaron

There are three 60-year periods in Mormonism.  One for Joseph Smith. One for Oliver Cowdery or Hyrum Smith, because they both held the same keys. The third 60-year period relates to the keys given in the Nauvoo temple after the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. These keys were kept secret. These are keys of theContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron: Keys Given to Joel LeBaron”

Ross LeBaron: The Fulness of the Priesthood

The fulness of the priesthood and his ordination by his father in 1950 are explained by Ross W. LeBaron in the following excerpt of Priesthood Expounded. THE FULNESS OF THE PRIESTHOOD D. & C. 124:28 To understand the doctrine of the priesthood, it is necessary to have the knowledge that Adam is God, and that heContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron: The Fulness of the Priesthood”

Ross LeBaron: The Nauvoo Restoration

In the following excerpt of Priesthood Expounded, published in 1985, Ross W. LeBaron writes about the restoration of priesthood keys he believed took place in the Nauvoo temple. THE THIRD MAN B. F. JOHNSON The Prophet Elijah appeared, with others, in the Kirtland Temple April 3, 1836 conferring patriarchal authority upon Joseph Smith and OliverContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron: The Nauvoo Restoration”

Ross LeBaron and Joseph Musser

REVELATION given to patriarch Ross W. LeBaron, at the home of H. Chase Kimball, in Salt Lake City, April 3rd, 1951. My father had recently passed away, and I was concerned over what course to follow in connection with the patriarchal work he had given me in the spring of 1950, and received the followingContinueContinue reading “Ross LeBaron and Joseph Musser”

Benjamin F. Johnson: Patriarchal Blessing of Alma Dayer LeBaron

Patriarchal blessing given by Patriarchal Benjamin F. Johnson upon the head of Alma Dayer LeBaron, son of Sarah Jane Johnson and Benjamin Franklin LeBaron. Born in Tempe, Arizona, March 15, 1886. Alma Dayer, my son, in the authority of parental priesthood I place my hands upon thy head and open my mouth that the LordContinueContinue reading “Benjamin F. Johnson: Patriarchal Blessing of Alma Dayer LeBaron”