Ross LeBaron: The Fulness of the Priesthood

The fulness of the priesthood and his ordination by his father in 1950 are explained by Ross W. LeBaron in the following excerpt of Priesthood Expounded.

“The Priest King lineage of Christ came down through a son of Mary Magdalene”, wrote Ross LeBaron. Photo: Stained glass, Kilmore Church, Dervaig, Isle of Mull, Scotland.


D. & C. 124:28

To understand the doctrine of the priesthood, it is necessary to have the knowledge that Adam is God, and that he is the father of Jesus Christ in the Flesh.

The priesthood that relates to Adam and the ancient Patriarchs is called the Holy Order of God. The presiding patriarch, of the Holy Order of God, holds the fulness of the priesthood.

The presiding patriarch of the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God holds the fulness of that order of Priesthood. Christ held the patriarchal office in the Church in his day.

Joseph Smith was given the patriarchal keys over his dispensation, by Moses, Elias and Elijah, April 3rd, 1836. This gave Joseph Smith the authority to bestow all the endowments of the House of the Lord upon all of his people in his dispensation.

Doctrine and Covenants Sec. 124:28, shows that the fulness of the priesthood, was to be restored in the Nauvoo Temple. This priesthood was conferred upon Benjamin F. Johnson.

This fulness of the priesthood appointment to Benjamin F. Johnson did not give him authority over Brigham Young, for it was the times of the Gentiles.

The Keys pertaining to the fulness of the patriarchal priesthood were given to Alma Dayer LeBaron Sr. Shortly before the death of Patriarch Benjamin F. Johnson.

The term, “Fulness of the Priesthood” can not be understood unless a person has the knowledge that “Adam” is God the Father; which doctrine was plainly taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith.

The Melchizedek Priesthood, which is after the order of the Holy Order of God, is the Fulness of the Priesthood. The fulness of the patriarchal order of priesthood is the fulness of the melchizedek priesthood.

The Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God does not comprehend the higher patriarchal keys restored in the Kirtland Temple April 3rd, 1836, by Moses, Elias and Elijah.

As Adam is above Christ, the Patriarchal Order is above the Apostolic Order of the Melchizedek priesthood.

The “28th verse”, D. & C. Sec. 124, shows that Joseph Smith did not have the authority to restore the Patriarchal authority to the House of Israel that relates to their dispensation.

The Nauvoo Temple was being built to restore the fulness of the patriarchal priesthood to the patriarchal heir of Ephraim, and Joseph Smith knew that he would die before it was finished.

It is the highest patriarchal authority held by the highest patriarchal heir. The Presiding Patriarch of the Holy Order of God holds these keys when fully endowed. They do not belong to the Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God.

Joseph Smith held these keys over Hyrum Smith although Hyrum was the Patriarch of the Church. The sealing power of Elijah is the highest authority that can be obtained by descent and belongs to the patriarchal order of priesthood.

The grand reason the Nauvoo Temple was constructed was to restore the Fullness of the Priesthood to the Patriarchal Heir of Ephraim. This heir of the Fullness of the Priesthood was none other than one of Joseph Smith’ bosom friends, Benjamin F. Johnson.

The Scepter was given to Christ, but the patriarchal right of Ephraim was not. Joseph Smith was the heir of Jesus Christ; which lineage had not been given the right of the Patriarchal order from Seth.

May, 1950.

Again my father came to visit me, this time he brought my brother Verlan. They arrived in the evening and stayed over night.

As I was awaking the next morning a voice plainly told me, “Your father will not confer upon you the birthright, ask him for the authority to go ahead with the patriarchal work in his stead, the honor is in the work, not the title”.

When I entered the living room, my father and Verlan were about ready to leave. I ask my father for the authority to go ahead with the patriarchal work in his stead, as the time was here for the work to begin, and his health was failing.

He raised his hands to the square saying, “Your hands are freed, go ahead as the Lord inspires you, and Verlan here is a witness that I give you this authority”

He then instructed me not to lay anything I did to him, that it was to be independent of him. He also warned me not to spend all my time at it, lest I become like my brother Ben.

April 3, 1951

On awaking, I received a revelation to go to Joseph W. Musser and have the patriarchal priesthood confirmed, as given to me by my father on March 8, 1950. Bro. Musser confirmed my calling. Thus, in one way, ending the Times of the Gentiles.

Christ is the Great High Priest; Adam next. TPJS page 158.

All that you need to know is that a Patriarch is above a High Priest, and you know that Joseph Smith is telling you that Adam is God.

The Savior says that Adam is his Father. TPJS page 158; par 1.

Adam held the priesthood before the creation. TPJS page 157:1, Jesus Christ received his Priesthood on this earth.

When the Keys of the Priesthood are revealed from heaven, it is by Adam’s authority. TPJS page 157., par 2. Here again we have the Adam God doctrine.

Adam is the Father of the human family, and presides over the spirits of all men. TPJS page 157, par 3. This shows Adam to be our Father in Heaven.

Noah is next in line to become an adam; even before Christ of [or] Joseph Smith. Ross W. LeBaron


D&C 124:28

No one will ever understand the term, “Fulness of the Priesthood”, unless they understand the, “Adam God doctrine”, as taught by the Prophet Joseph Smith among his inner circle of friends.

All priesthood is Melchizedek, but there are various portions or degrees of it. The Melchizedek Priesthood of the, “Holy Order of God”, is the, “Fulness of the Priesthood”.

The Melchizedek Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God, is not the, Fulness of the Priesthood.

Peter, James and John, did not restore the priesthood of the Holy Order of God; it was restored in the Kirtland Temple, April 3, 1836, by Moses, Elias and Elijah.

There are two lines of Melchizedek Priesthood coming down from Adam; both are by descent. One is through Seth, and the other is from Abel. The priesthood through Seth is the Holy Order of God and is higher than the  Holy Order of the Son of God held by Abel.

Never since the dispensation of Abraham has the patriarchal heir line of Seth been honored in presiding over a dispensation. Moses and Jesus Christ both presided under the authority of the Holy priesthood after the order of the Son of God.

Joseph Smith held the priesthood of the Holy Order of God the Testator, which pattern is the same as the priesthood of the Son.

The melchizedek Priesthood, after the order of the Son of God, does not include the authority restored in the Kirtland Temple, by Moses, Elias and Elijah.

This is a plainly established fact, showing the Patriarchal order of Adam, to be above the Apostolic order of Christ, even in the times of the Gentiles, when under the rule of the Holy Priesthood of the Son of God.

Joseph Smith said, “We find the apostles endowed with greater power than John: their office was more under the spirit and power of Elijah than Elias”. The calling of Elijah was patriarchal. TPJS page 336.

It was the patriarchal Keys, which were restored in the Kirtland Temple, that gave the Apostles the highest authority ever held on earth. It is the sealing power of the patriarchal priesthood that should be traced, not the worthy Senior Apostle. An Apostle is under the authority of the one who ordains him.

God has promised that he would restore to Israel, the Fulness of the Priesthood and the power which she has a right to by lineage.

I find no record in Church history where those Keys were Conferred; although Benjamin F. Johnson claimed that he held them, and that there were things that he could not reveal in relation to them.


D&C 124:28

Adam is God the Father. His priesthood is called, “The Holy Order of God”. This priesthood ruled from the days of Adam until the dispensation of Moses.

Jesus Christ is God the Son. His priesthood is called, “The Holy Priesthood after the order of the Son of God”. This priesthood was in power during the dispensations of both Moses and Christ.

Joseph Smith is God the Holy Ghost. His priesthood is called “The Holy priesthood after the order of God the Testator”. This priesthood authority ended April 6, 1950.

In order that all dispensations might have a fulness of the endowment of the House of the Lord, ancient prophets came and restored special blessings that belonged only to the ancient patriarchal order of Adam.

When this ancient patriarchal priesthood of Adam is restored in full, Adam will be here to control it in  person.

Joseph Smith did not have the authority to restore to Israel that which she had a right to by lineage which was taken away, or she had lost.

The express purpose for the building of the Nauvoo Temple was to restore the “Fulness of; the Priesthood”, to the patriarchal heir of Ephraim.

This, “Heir of Adam”, through Seth, was none other than the Patriarch Benjamin F. Johnson, and adopted son and brother in law to the Prophet Joseph Smith.

There is an “Aaronic Priesthood”, which relates to the “Holy Order of God”, an Aaronic Priesthood order which belongs to the Holy Order of the Son of God, and an Aaronic Priesthood related to the Priesthood dispensation of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

The Aaronic priesthood of the dispensation of Moses was of the Order of the Son of God. An angel conferred upon John the Baptist the Aaronic priesthood of the Order of Adam, or the Holy order of God the Father. It was by this higher priesthood of Aaron that John wrested the Kingdom from the Jews and bestowed it upon the Savior.

The Priest King lineage of Christ came down through a son of Mary Magdalene. The LeBaron family is of that Lineage.

A sister of Benjamin F. Johnson, “Esther”, was sealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith as his head wife. She was the mother of Benjamin F. LeBaron, who was the first generation patriarchal Heir of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Benjamin F. LeBaron married a daughter of Benjamin F. Johnson, bringing two bloodlines of Ephraim to Alma Dayer LeBaron Sr. A son of Benjamin F. LeBaron.

Benjamin F. LeBaron received his Second Anointings in the Salt Lake Temple in 1916, under the hands of Anthon H. Lund. To be a Priest and King relates to the patriarchal order of Adam.


LeBaron, Ross Wesley. Priesthood Expounded. Self-published. Salt Lake, 1985, p. 02-05.

3 thoughts on “Ross LeBaron: The Fulness of the Priesthood

  1. I’ve been following this blog for some time. Is it possible to post the whole of “Priesthood Expounded” or do you know where I might get a copy?


    1. That’s actually a great suggestion, Patrick. I’ll be posting here the entire document, hopefully by next week.


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